[NEW EPISODE] I published a new GRITTY podcast today with my friend and Nebraska home boy, Joel Burham, aka @whitetail_fit! Joel is a corn AND VENISON guy who loves hunting, health and fitness. He’s the genius behind one of my FAVORITE T-shirts, the #VENISONGAINS tee. He’s a solid human being with a competitive edge and a positive attitude. On this episode we just hang out—WE TALK PUBLIC LANDS, HUNTING, FITNESS—it’s a good conversation between two dudes who share similar interests but different backgrounds. CHECK. IT. OUT!#staygritty #venisongains #keepitpublic #publiclandsproud #bha #backcountryhuntersandanglers GET A #VENISONGAINS T-SHIRT from Joel at www.whitetailfit.com 👕
EPISODE 161: What’s In Aron’s Pack? Reckoning
Please DO NOT call the Kifaru Office asking about this pack until approx. Sept. 26 when Aron gets back from hunting. Thanks!
Featured on this episode:
Bow Setup
Hoyt Buffalo Carbon Core Quatro Limbs
Black Eagle Vintage Arrows 350 spine
Cutthroat Broadheads 250 grains
Pants - First Lite Corrugate Guide, Kanab 2.0
Shirts - Rokslide World’s Okayest Hunter, First Lite Aerowool Half Zip long sleeve top,
Jackets - First Lite North Branch Soft Shell
Assess the area and time of year you’re going. 1 extra set of socks, 1 extra set of underwear, try to wear base layer upper merino wool. 1 pair of pants I wear in. Fleece layer over that and a puffy jacket and a rain jacket over that. Good quality synthetic or merino clothing.
Kifaru Backpack *Not released yet*
“The Reckoning” Ranger Green Color
14mm 2.8 lens Canon wide angle
Silica Packets to help with moisture
Alaska Guide Creations Binoculars Harness
Lens Pen, Petzl elite headlamp, Havalon knife, Exotac Matchcap, extra blades, tags & ribbon, Windicator, 10x42 Razor HD Vortex Optics, Autolock buckles, FHF range finder case, Vortex Range Finder
Kifaru Ultralite Pullout: Tyvek Cloth, pillow & Sleeping pad, *previously packed in Kifaru Tut & Poles, Thermarest Neo Air Xlite
Kifaru Pull out: Backup camera gear, lens wipes, hurricane blower, SD cards in waterproof case.
Backup broadhead case,
Large Kifaru Pull out: First Lite ultralite puffy jacket, dirt biscuits, First Lite Halstead fleece, ultralight rain jacket, rain pants and a baselayer.
Kifaru Pull out: Stove, Spoon, Evernew stove, Soto windmaster stove, Sea to Summit Waterproof bags for camera gear,
Kifaru Pull out Extra small: Toothbrush, toothpaste, contact lens solution & case.
Gitzo tripod traveler, Outdoorsman micro pan head,
Kifaru Nalgene Bottle, Human Gear CapCap lid, Phelps Game Calls Ezestrus, *Top Secret Jason Phelps Game Calls*,
Firstlite Neck Gaiter & Beanie Hat & Gloves
Hydrapak water bladder, Platypus,
Kifaru Pack “The Woodsman”
Squeeze Call, Sony RX100 Point & Shoot,
Kill Kit, TAG bags Pristine Ventures, Food, wetwipes, TP,
“Possibles Pouch”:
Archery Kit: bowstringer, wax, judo tips, glue, backup string, stringer,
FIRST AID: Migraine pills, bandaids, kit for patching, tenacious tape by Gear Aid, chopstick, elk in heat, Garmin 401, compass, Black Diamond headlamp, Hardy face paint at Rocky Mountain Specialty Gear,
Battery Pack: Dark Energy #destructiontested
Steripen Classic, fire starter kit, compression gauze, MTN OPS Enduro,
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes / RSS/Stitcher/Podbean/Android
On this episode of Gritty Bowmen, Anthony Spencer and myself sit down, for second interview, with my good friends Ty and Rihanna Cary at the MTN OPS booth at the Northwest Hunting and Conservation EXPO in Salt Lake City Utah. We discuss Ty’s film production company, Standing Buck Productions. Ty tells us about camera gear and filming hunts with Jim Shockey and about Ty’s upcoming projects. Ty and Rihanna are cool. They truly love the outdoors and the hunting industry and want to do their best to positively influence the people around them.
Featured on this podcast:
Standing Buck Productions
FS700 Sony
GoPro Hero4
Kristy Titus
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes / RSS/Stitcher/Podbean/Android
EPISODE 80: On this episode of Gritty Bowmen, Aron Snyder and I hang out with Cameron Hanes and Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan is a podcaster, UFC commentator, stand-up comedian and HUNTER. Joe’s podcast, the Joe Rogan Experience, is a powerhouse. Joe has been an avid hunter Since his first hunting trip with Steven Rinella on the MeatEater show, titled First Timers, Montona Mule Deer, which aired in April 2013. On his podcast, Rogan has interviewed such people as Jim Shockey, Steven Rinellla, Tim Burnett, Remi Warren, and more. Joe has a massive non-hunting audience that loves his show. And he’s been able to use his platform to educate the non-hunting community about how hunting is conservation… about how hunting saves wildlife and wild places. He’s a gifted interviewer, entertainer, and with the help of his good friend Cameron Hanes, I’ve no doubt he’s become a skilled hunter as well… as long as he doesn’t talk to much… so i’ve heard from Cameron.
I don’t think Cameron needs an introduction to the Gritty Community… but here goes anyway for you new hunters or for those of you who live under a rock. Cameron Hanes is a bowhunting fool. And he trains year-round, always pushing his body to failure and beyond. He grew up “getting it done” on public land with elk and deer and bear… today, he continues to inspire both hunters and would-be hunters everyday.
In the middle of this podcast somehwere, we lost a camera angle for a couple minutes--like 10 minutes. Cameron is cut-off the screen… sorry Cam.
This is a fun podcast--you’ve got Joe Rogan, Cameron Hanes, and Aron Snyder, all on the show. It was good time.
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes / RSS/Stitcher/Podbean/Android
On this episode of Gritty Bowmen we meet with a couple who met on Facebook! I know… CRAZY. And we hear about how Ty Cary, seduced Rihana with a well executed elk call. Now that’s true love. Seriously though, this couple is legit. Rihana doesn’t mess around when it comes to hunting--she gets it done. In this podcast we hear about the big bull elk Rihana killed, solo, with a bow; which, I’m not gonna lie, totally impressed me. Ty wasn’t able to hunt with Rihana during her elk hunt because he was off filming other hunts under his company Standing Buck Productions. Ty is a talented camerman and producer. I hope you enjoy getting to know these two as much as did.
Instagram @rihanaray @standingbuckproductions
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes / RSS/Stitcher/Podbean/Android
On this episode of Gritty Bowmen, we visit with Jana Waller and Jim Kinsey of SkullboundTV. Many of you know them from Skullbound TV. But you may not know that Camerman-Jimmy, AKA Jim Kinsey is a musical maestro. Homie’s got some sic beats--you can hear some of his music on iTunes. Look for the link in the Gritty Bowmen show notes on our website. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/kryptek-overcome-single/id1069999245
Jim and Jana are huge proponents of conservation. And in their show, they take the time to highlight how hunting IS conservation. Jim was in the marines. And he and Jana are actively involved in supporting U.S. veterans. It was my pleasure meeting them.
Featured in this podcast:
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes / RSS/Stitcher/Podbean/Android
On this episode of Gritty Bowmen, we hang out with my new friend, Tim Burnett, of Solo Hunter. I’m a huge fan of Solo Hunter. If you don’t like the show, I don’t know what’s wrong with you. Solo Hunter is Gritty. The raw, Do It Yourself Nature of the show really appeals to me. In the show, Tim and Remi Warren are both the hunter AND the cameraman. That’s intense. I can barely film a hunt when we’ve got a full-time cameraman--I can’t even imagine trying to pull it off while trying to shoot an animal. Tim was easy to talk to. And he’s pretty much the same guy you see on the show--real gritty and down to earth.
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes / RSS/Stitcher/Podbean/Android
In this podcast we meet with my Uncle Kevin Call and John Adams of High Point Outfitters guide service in Arizona. Kevin and John and their team of guides are genuine, down to earth, hard working, smart hunters that are passionate about hunting and helping others be successful. Unless it’s your wife, then things might get a little too intense. ;) They get real about what it’s like to hunt with a significant other and how sometimes it’s best to take a backseat, or you might end up sleeping in the doghouse.
They provide some tips and tricks on how to register for Arizona this coming year with the recent changes for 2016, as well as some of the changes in Colorado.
Instagram : John Adams - az_hunter Kevin Call - lvthnt
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes / RSS/Stitcher/Podbean/Android
On this episode of Gritty Bowmen, we travel to Louisville Kentucky to attend the ATA trade show--ATA stands for Archery Trade Association. The ATA Trade Show is the archery and bowhunting industry’s LARGEST show. The show is a member-driven event to promote commerce within the archery and bowhunting industry.
In today’s podcast we visit with Eva Shockey. Eva’s dad, Jim Shockey, is one of the most well-known hunters in the world. Today, Eva co-hosts "Jim Shockey's Hunting Adventures" TV show and represents the Shockey family at outdoor trade and consumer shows.
Eva was a breathe of fresh air. She was easy to talk to, down to earth, and an excellent ambassador for hunting--challenging the stereotypical image of the knuckle-dragging, fist pumping, male hunter; Eva makes it difficult for those against hunting to claim that hunters are uneducated, heartless, animal-hating human beings. And for this, I thank her.
I hope you enjoy the show.
Alright friends, thank you for supporting the show. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to leave us a review on iTunes. Your reviews are sincerely appreciated and very motivational. Connect with us on social media if you’re on there--please look us up on Facebook and my favorite, Instagram. And take a moment to subscribe to our Youtube Channel so you can receive notifications when we upload new videos.
Casey and Jordan of MTN OPS are not only good friends of mine on a personal level--they are also friends and supporters of the Gritty Bowmen podcast. From now on, all Gritty Bowmen listeners receive 20% off all MTN OPS supplements, combo packs, and apparel when you type-in the word gritty at checkout.
If you’re a hard-core elk hunter or you want to be, or even if you just like to dream about elk hunting but not actually do it--go to the ELK101 website online and check them out. Our friend Corey Jacobsen is killing-it with some of the best elk-hunting information and entertainment on the web. Elk101 is a true gold-mine of all things elk.
And Let me leave you with another great quote from Theodore Roosevelt who said, “It behooves every man to reemember that the work of the critic is of altogether secondary importance, and that, in the end, progress is accomplished by the man who does things.”
We all have a choice--we can be people who do things or people who criticise the work of others. It’s pretty simple really.. don’t be jerk. And get out there and do your thing.
Good luck on your hunts. And Stay Gritty!