On this episode of Gritty Bowmen we are back in Tamarack Idaho for the annual NW Mountain Challenge Archery Shoot and we talk to Ty Stubblefield and Josh Keller of Born and Raised Outdoors. We discuss Ty’s new role with BackCountry Hunters & Anglers as Chapter Coordinator and the importance of conservation, the threat against our hunting lifestyle and how we can join the fight to preserve our traditions, values and way of life. If you’re not familiar with Born and Raised Outdoors you should take some time to get to know these boys through their films which are some of the most real, honest and entertain elk hunting films I’ve seen.
I really hope you enjoy this podcast because it’s important—the opposition facing hunters today is very real—and Ty Stubblefield is one of those people who is on the front-lines battling to keep our public lands public. As you listen to today’s podcast, please consider what you’re doing to make a difference in preserving the way of life you believe in.
I am Brian Call and I’m your host. My fellow Gritty Bowmen, Anthony Spencer is my co-host.
Featured in this Podcast:
Full Draw Film Tour Schedule
Gritty Bowmen Film Trailer
Josh Keller's Bugle Challenge Video
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Ducks Unlimited Conservation
Mule Deer Foundation
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Okay friends. If you aren’t already a member of BHA—please go to the show notes above and sign-up to be a member and do what you can to support the efforts of this great organization. And don’t just stop there, support other organizations like MDF, RMEF, Ducks Unlimited, etc.. Hunters are conservationists—we make a huge difference. Get behind these organizations and support them if you believe in what they’re doing. Check-out the links above and do what you can.
As always, thanks for all of your support for our podcast. A huge thanks to all those who have left us a review on iTunes—those make a difference. And a huge thanks to the Full Draw Film Tour for selecting our film and sharing it in their tour this year. If you haven’t seen it yet, find out when the tour is coming to a city near you and go watch it. Take your whole family. It’s an awesome time with kids and friends. The film tour will be in Salt Lake City on Thursday, July 16th, Fort Collins CO July 17th, Denver CO July 18th, and Hoodoo Oregon July 25th, and in Hays Kansas July 25th. These are just a few of the cities the tour is traveling to in the next couple of weeks. You can see the complete tour schedule on the Full Draw Film Tour website. Go to Go to the tour—take your family—and tell us what you think of our film.
Thanks again for listening! The fall hunting season is fast approaching! Good luck this season on your hunts and Stay Gritty! --Brian