On this episode of Gritty Bowmen we hang out with Crossfit legend, Chris Spealler. Legend might seem like a strong word to some but to me and many others, Chris Spealler is the epitome of the word legend. The dictionary says a legend is (quote) “a famous or important person who is known for doing something extremely well.”
And by this definition; Chris Spealler is, by all accounts, a legend. Spealler is a former college wrestler from a family of standout athletes, Chris Spealler quickly became one of CrossFit’s leading ambassadors, impressing and inspiring newcomers to the sport with his underdog spirit, unequaled work ethic, and warm personality. A competitor at the very first CrossFit Games in 2007. He was the only performer from the ’07 Games who was also in the 2014 games.
Spealler continues to train and coach at CrossFit Park City in Utah, where he lives with his wife Sarah and their children Roark and Myla and where we recorded this podcast.
I’m a huge fan of Chris Spealler for a hundred reasons. Not least of which is his commitment to his family. And so it was only natural to include all of them on this podcast. Spealler’s wife Sarah shares how they met and began dating, which is a wild story. Chris shares his fitness knowledge. And we talk about mental toughness; something Spealler knows and understands all too well. Hunting is altogether new to Chris. So I ask the Gritty Bowmen community to welcome the Spealler family into the hunting life.
Chris has just started his own podcast called Icon Athlete Podcast. If you want to learn more about fitness or just like Chris Spealler, do me a favor, and go and subscribe to his podcast. I especially enjoyed his recent podcast with Matt Chan, a fellow Crossfit Games Athlete, who IS, in fact, also a bowhunter. Check it out!
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