On this episode of Gritty Bowmen we visit with friend Scott Carr at Brent Hahn's home in Salem Oregon at after Joel Turner’s Iron Mind Hunting shooting clinic. I first met Scott at the Train To Hunt event in Enumclaw Washington. My first impression of Scott, watching him shoot and run the Train To Hunt course, is that he’s an animal--a fierce competitor who gives everything he’s got. The man has heart, determination, and an iron will.
Scott didn’t used to be the fit guy he is today. In fact, before Train To Hunt, Scott was your typical 9 to 5, overweight, company man. But Scott made decision to change all that. And this weekend he took 3rd-place in the 2016 Train To Hunt Nationals Event, Master’s Division. There are a lot of things that impress me about Scott Carr--but one thing that stands out to me is how he makes a decision to get better and then finds a way to do it.
On this podcast, Scott tells his inspiring story. We get a peak into his mind and we learn a little about how he thinks and what drives him. Scott is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met who also wants to crush you in a competition. I think that’s one of the reasons I like him so much. He’s a competitor, and fierce one. Meet Scott Carr.
Featured on this podcast:
Enumclaw, WA - TTH video short http://www.grittybowmen.com/gritty-bits/
Joel Turner