On this episode of Gritty Bowmen we learn how to become a better shooter from Joel Turner, owner of Iron Mind Hunting. Joel’s instruction is much different from any other shooting instruction I have ever received. This is a quote from Joel that touches on his philosophy. “People get stuck in the rut of thinking tactics and gadgets will solve their problems. What I am here to show you is it’s not the tools you have but the system you must have in place to be effective.” At first glance, it is easy to dismiss Joel’s ideas and training as “snake oil” or as the same thing you’ve heard from countless other efficient shooters. But, although seeming subtle, I found Joel’s ideas and teaching methods profoundly different from anything I have heard before. I cannot recommend Joel Turner’s shooter-training enough. Whether you are a seasoned shooter or new to the game, Joel is an effective teacher with an Iron Mind. You don’t want to miss this podcast.
At the end of this podcast Joel shares some deep thoughts on how to call-in big bulls using what he calls the “Bull Calling Cows” bugle. It’s a fascinating concept and Joel has the track record to back-up his theory. It’s interesting stuff. Something I’ll probably be trying out on my next elk hunting adventure. You can find everything you want to know about Joel Turner at www.ironmindhunting.com - Check him out. You won’t regret it.
Iron Mind Hunting
Additional notes courtesy of GB listener Nick Strand… Thanks Nick!
Recoil bracing - input into the shot
- it happens when we anticipate the explosion
Seek controlled shot *under pressure*
- be able to stop shot at any time
“Do not shoot an arrow unless it’s perfectly controlled.”
Speech and movement are linked
- fix speech pattern to fix movement
No slow movement - wasting muscle energy and increase fatigue
***Draw Sequence***
Draw - get it done, stick it on there
Aim - put your pin on it
- watch it to keep it
- compare to driving, keep it between the lines
- keep pulling
- compare to football player “keep running!” *keep means to continue*
- put concentration in to movement that makes bow go off
- slow steady pressure *DO NOT speed up words*
- to speed up shot, increase aggression instead of speed
“Good concentration equals good shooting.”
Closed loop - controlled, can stop shot at any time - DESIRED
Open loop - movements lead to actions, can’t stop shot sequence
- open loop shooters will “only get as good as your recoil bracing allows you to.”
**Need to be able to switch from open loop to closed loop when necessary
Snap Shot
- efficient, not necessarily accurate
- good hunters, calm killers but not consistent 3D shooters
Shooting is all about concentration and control. Do not go on auto-pilot.
Shooting is simple, but it’s not easy.