On this episode of Gritty Bowmen Jeff Lander & Aron Snyder talk Compounds vs. Recurves and whether Aron will stick with the Tradbow or go back to his Compound.
Dark Energy makes innovative, destruction-tested products for the modern hunter. These products are field-tested by Special Forces and are specially designed for the demands of hunting.
The power of Poseidon is packed between two ultra-durable hybrid polymer armor casings. These armored sections are custom designed for maximum durability and minimal size and weight. Heavy-duty internal and external shock absorbers are built into Poseidon, giving it the ability to take serious bumps and drops with ease. And with a Military Grade Standard of MIL-STD 810G and a six-foot drop rating, Poseidon’s shockproof ability gives adventurers the freedom to go further than ever.
Tech lovers, Hunters and adventurers alike have caught the vision of the Poseidon, inspired by the Dark Energy call to “Charge Adventure.”
On this episode of Gritty Bowmen we talk about MTN OPS efforts to conquer hunger. Find out how you can help join the effort and learn more about MTN OPS' mission on this podcast.
In this podcast you’ll learn how to use your GPS unit in conjunction with land navigation, converting grid to magnetic and magnetic to grid, intersection, re-section and back azimuth and a brief overview of why you would want to use land navigation.
Join us for today’s podcast as Mark Brownlee and I visit, backstage, with the boys from the full draw film tour and some chuckleheads from the audience while on location at the Portland show. This podcasts consists of 4 20-minute interviews. First we interview Joe Sanchez and Morgan Gregory. Joe drops some helpful tips on using Instagram and explains how he’s pretty sure that he was the first hunter ever to post on Instagram. Morgan shares some insight on filmmaking tools and they both answer questions about filmmaking.
Next up we visit with Brad Minzey and Josh Marvin. And they share their passion for the Full Draw Film Tour and why they got involved in the tour. We have a great time getting to know these two guys and they inspire us to get involved and support the tour.
Next we visit with two of our good friends and audience members, Cory Miller of XXX archery and Jason Phelps of Phelp’s Game Calls. These two jokers talk about the pink hat and how Portland raised more money for the Wishes For Warriors charity than any other city to that point. The share the story of how Chris Pascua of Is It September Yet, donated his raffle prize --a brand new Hoyt bow--to Wishes For Warriors. The bow was auctioned off that night and raised more than $1,000 for Wishes for Warriors--adding significantly to the total dollars that evening. And Jason and Corey share a few parting elk hunting tips before the conversation is over.
Lastly, we sit down with our good friend Kody Kellom and huge FDFT supporter, Mike Crawford. These two men share their passion for the tour and why it’s more than just a collection of movies for them. And they tell us what they think makes a good film and more.
I hope you enjoy this podcast. Sit back, grab a drink, and listen-in as a group of good guys talk about their love of hunting, their desire to give back to veterans, and how things like the FDFT are changing the world’s perception of hunting in a positive way.
This week on Gritty Bowmen we meet with Jordan and Casey Harbertson of MTN OPS. These two guys are salt-of-the-earth, good guys who LOVE what they're doing.
Performance and fitness are very important to me. But I care less about performance and more about long-term health and wellness. I want to be elk hunting in the mountains when I'm 70 years old-- and I'm not kidding. So I'm not willing to sacrifice my health at the future age of 65 for increased performance today. I'm a huge skeptic when it comes to supplements. Instead of buying supplements I have tried my best to get all my nutrition from healthy foods. I really don't like meal replacements or performance enhancing products. I prefer a good elk steak with a pile of veggies, high fiber fruit and some water.
Show Notes: Featured in this Podcast
“Experience in the field has caused me to change my views.” Aron Snyder
“I like a quieter bow. A heavy arrow makes your bow quieter.” Aron Snyder
“If you can shoot 280 feet per second that’s plenty fast.”
“I like seeing an animal with a shock wave like it got hit with a 50 cal BMG. It just makes me feel tougher I guess. So I like the heavy arrows.”
International Bow Hunters Association- IBO speed
"Shoot what you’re most comfortable with that gives you the best happy medium for speed, for kinetic energy for momentum the whole nine yards and not-like backpacks— not go in and say what’s the lightest? Don’t go in and try to get the fastest bow you can get. If you go in with your motive of trying to get the fastest bow possible— It’s probably also the hardest to shoot.”
Aron’s Arrows
Gold Tip-Chaos
200 spine stiff spine
11.6 grains per inch
3 fletch
vein tech
low profile
Broadhead -NAP kill zone
Grim reaper fatal steal
5.29 total weight
Brian’s Arrows
Black Eagle Rampage http://www.blackeaglearrows.com/product-p/ramp-fletched.htm
“Too many people are paying attention to the bow and not the arrow.” Cory Miller
Broadhead Slicktrick fixed blade 100 grain
Mechanical vs. Fixed blade
“Does it make me lazy if I shoot mechanicals? Well nobody is taking a rickshaw to work nowadays right? We all drive cars.” Aron Snyder
I shoot Wack’em Broadheads Wackem exit. http://www.wacemarchery.com
Drop away Hamskea
Lizard Tongue?
Whisker Bisquit
Aron has a Bee Stinger Stabilizer
7 Pin Spothogg sight
Tommy Hogg
Prodigy from Bowtech
Shift Technology Lower or Higher let off